I was pleased to meet representatives of local charities in Fareham and discuss the challenges and opportunities of voluntary work.
Speaking at a meeting of Community Action Fareham, I spoke of my support for volunteering and the importance of public bodies properly engaging with the sector. Representatives of many local organisations and charities attended the event, along with headteachers, NHS staff and council officials.
Issues raised included social care provision, supporting vulnerable adults, and the challenges of engaging with isolated and disengaged people in the community.
Volunteers are the backbone of the local community, and play a hugely important role in providing vital services. I believe the best solutions to local problems are often found by the social sector, not the state. Charities and social enterprise, mutual and co-operatives have the flexibility and deep knowledge of their subject that can make a real difference.
The voluntary sector faces a lot of problems. Having set up a charity myself, I know that funding uncertainties and other pressures can make it harder than running a business. It’s always good to share these concerns, so I’m very grateful to Community Action Fareham for inviting me to talk to them, and to all the organisations who attended. We had a really useful discussion, and I came away with a lot of points to follow up.
The Government has recently introduced the Charities Bill to Parliament which will give the Charity Commission new and strengthened powers to tackle abuse of charity more effectively. It will also provide stronger protection for charities from individuals who are unfit to be charity trustees.
Community Action Fareham works with community groups and charities in the Fareham borough, operating a range of community services on a not-for-profit basis, with the support of fully-trained staff and volunteers. Support for groups ranges from helping a new group get started to helping them interpret the requirements of the Charity Commission. The organisation welcomes new members, as well as people wishing to begin volunteering.
I would urge any local community organisations that are not already members to get involved, and benefit from the support that is available to them. They can also help people who want to become volunteers to find a suitable role.’
More information is available at: http://www.actionfareham.org.uk/