On 15th June 1215 King John put his seal upon Magna Carta. For more than 800 years, this declaration of rights and liberties has been the cornerstone of democracy, inspiring Thomas Jefferson and Mahatma Gandhi amongst others. It has defined the relationship between citizen and government, subject and crown, limiting the excesses of arbitrary power, empowering individuals and instilling the rule of law so that, as Dicey put it, ‘every man, whatever be his rank or condition, is subject to the ordinary law of the realm and amenable to the jurisdiction of the ordinary tribunals’. It is rightly a potent symbol of freedom.
In the same way as those medieval Barons summoned up the courage to take back control from an irrepressible monarch, so must 21st century Britons find the same resolve to challenge the loss of sovereignty to Brussels.
We see why in the European legal system. The European Court of Justice (the ‘ECJ’), based in Luxembourg, has jurisdiction over all members states and must "ensure that in the interpretation and application of the Treaty the law is observed”, according to The Treaty of Rome, agreed in 1957.
However, the role of the ECJ has amplified so that it bears no resemblance the intentions set out in 1957. Far from simply interpreting the law, it has gone further to rule on what it thinks the law should actually say. In doing so, it has profoundly changed the content of Treaties, determined social, economic and immigration policy, constitutional questions and encroached into the realm of human rights. A far cry from ‘interpretation’. Just as within a federal system, the ECJ has, case by case, become a Supreme Court, usurping English courts and judges.
The most recent example was this week when the ECJ determined that it was, after all, lawful for Britain to restrict EU migrants’ access to benefits. The problem here is not whether the ECJ’s decision was right or wrong, but rather that the UK had to secure it’s approval in the first place. Why should European judges have the final word on how UK taxpayers’ money is used? It robs them of any say in their democracy.
Ever since the landmark case of Factortame in 1990, a dispute about fishing rights under the Common Fisheries Policy, in which the ECJ set out the supremacy of European Union law over UK law, it has expanded its powers to behave in a more legislative way: for example, disregarding the UK’s supposed opt-out of the Working Time Directive and determining UK social policy, or effectively striking down national tax legislation in a whole series of cases on the subject.
But more worrying, even than this, has been the ECJ’s decisions on human rights, an area of law typically reserved for the European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is a wide-ranging document and includes the ‘right to engage in work and freedom to conduct a business’ and the ‘right to good administration’ and formed part of the Lisbon Treaty. In 2007, the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair secured an opt-out which stated that the Charter would not apply to UK home and judicial affairs. The ECJ, however, has taken a very different route in the recent immigration and asylum case of NS, making it clear that no such opt -out exists, disregarding the English High Court and the UK government. Disturbingly, by intruding into human rights, the ECJ will be creating a parallel human rights court to the one that already exists in Strasbourg, causing unnecessary confusion and cost. Carte blanche to the ECJ in this way is not what the British people have chosen, not what our courts want and not how justice is safeguarded.
Returning to Runnymede, what would the Barons of the 13th century have thought of what we have done to the spirit of their hard-won law? I bet they’d be disappointed. Yes- we have the benefits of a fair trial and so on. And yes, we enjoy a good standard of life. But democracy is being eroded day by day by the EU. People’s control is slipping from their grasp into the hands of unelected, unaccountable and distant Brussels and Luxembourg elites who govern, tax and adjudicate on everyday life in Britain.
Britain’s precious sovereignty is ebbing away. Legislation is foisted upon us with immediate effect and no right of challenge. What was designed to be ‘Supreme’ in our domestic courts system has become submissive, yielding to the might of our European masters.
But it is not too late. We can rediscover the momentum that inspired Magna Carta. Like those Barons, we need to show more confidence in our country: the ability of our people to democratically elect their representatives, the capacity of our judges and lawyers to resolve questions within a local context and the determination of our government to make the important decisions that reflect that needs of our country.
As a lawyer and as a politician, but most of all, as a Briton, I am voting for self-belief, choice and democracy. That means that I am voting to leave the European Union on June 23rd.