I have been visiting so many businesses in Fareham and have been struck by the enterprise, innovation and expertise in our local area. Whether it is the huge employers like ONS or National Air Traffic Services or smaller and medium sized businesses like ParCar Ltd providing advanced electrical engineering services to both the commercial and defence sectors, there is a wealth of talent in Fareham.
The Solent region has a population of more than 1.3million people and over 50,000 businesses. It is an internationalLy recognised key economic hub anchored around the Isle of Wight,mother two cities of Portsmouth and Southampton, the M27 corridor and the Solent waterway. There is hughe potential for growth, especially in the marine, maritime and advanced technology sectors building on the skills investment in CEMAST and transport infrastructure. More can be done though and I hope that the forum will support that strategy.
Passionate as I am about supporting local businesses, I invite local businesses to join the Solent Business Forum, a group that I run with local businesses to provide a dialogue between business and politicians, policy-makers and key stakeholders regarding growth and jobs. Local businesses are the life-blood for Fareham and so it is important that we maintain regular communication about the issues affecting them on the ground and how I might be able to assist both from a policy/legislative perspective and from a more specific needs-based one.
Members of the Forum have the opportunity to:
a. attend exclusive quarterly Business Briefing Lunches and events in Fareham and in Parliament with Guest Speakers (recent guests have included local Members of Parliament such as George Hollingbery MP, Chris Piper from The Bank of England and Gary Jeffries, Chairman of the Solent Local Economic Partnership).
b. receive a regular update on business and enterprise news from Parliament
c. network with other local businesses, exchange skills and know-how.
If you are interested in joining, please contact me.