I have stepped up the campaign to bring greater A Level provision to Fareham, and chaired meeting this week to discuss the possibility of a new sixth-form college in the town.
Providing new A Level provision in Fareham is one of my main campaign priorities when I was elected as the new MP in May, and I raised the issue in Parliament during my maiden speech in June.
Currently, up to 1,200 young learners travel out of the Fareham District to access post-16 opportunities at either FE Colleges or sixth form colleges further afield. This is estimated to cost £500-800 per year per student in travel, whilst the time cost in travel can be up to 90 minutes each way.
I called a meeting to discuss a potential solution, after months of discussions with local schools, parents, councillors and other interested parties. Cams Hill School is looking to apply for Free School status to develop a sixth-form in central Fareham, providing A Level places for as many as 500 students.
Providing new A Level places in Fareham is a big priority for me, and the need is clear. Too many local students are having to travel long distances to get the education they deserve, and we need more high-quality local solutions.
I’m really pleased to be convening this meeting at Cams Hill to discuss their exciting proposal for a Free School sixth-form facility, which would be absolutely ideal. The team, led by Gwennan is very enthusiastic, and we are getting a lot of support from parents, other schools, and the local authority.
Gwennan Harrison-Jones, the headteacher of Cams Hill School, is leading the new proposal, with Suella’s active support. Activity so far has included meetings with local councillors and regular engagement with the Local Authority to gauge support and identify need. There have been visits to a similar sixth-form site in Salisbury, and meetings with local secondary head teachers in Fareham to discuss the plans.
The meeting this week is aimed at reviewing progress and meeting more potential supporters to seek their help in drawing up the detailed plans. Local parents, students and others are being invited to express their interest.
If we are to make this happen, it’s vital that we get as much support as possible from local people. We know there is the demand there, and having access to A Levels right in the heart of Fareham would be a huge step forward. If anyone wants to know more, or to offer their help, I hope they will get in touch with me or Gwennan at Cams Hill.
if you would be interested in learning more about the project or support the eta, please get in touch with me.