Health professionals were quizzed by over one hundred residents about healthcare provision in Fareham.
As part of my Health Summit, representatives from the Fareham and Gosport CCG, Fareham Community Hospital (FCH), Hampshire County Council, Southern Health and Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust faced a multitude of questions from the local community around new schemes, service improvements and the future of healthcare in the area.
Panellists - including Chair of Fareham and Gosport CCG, Dr David Chilvers and GP Dr Tom Bertram - were quizzed on local healthcare and schemes including the same day access service, which has been operating for a year, and new home visiting initiative.
Healthcare in Fareham is a real priority for me and I felt it was important residents get to have their say whether it be about their GP surgery or Queen Alexandra Hospital and get answers from the people responsible.
FCH has a critical part to play in local healthcare and the services it could have can avoid people having to go to A&E.