I enjoyed learning more about the work of charity Life Education Wessex and its work with schools across Fareham and Hampshire. Last week, I attended a life education course with children of Orchard Lea Primary School in Fareham to see first-hand the charity’s role in helping children to make sensible life decisions.
I met with Donna Hill, a senior teacher with Life Education Wessex, and members of Year 4 at Orchard Lea Primary School who had just completed a session of learning of the risks and effects of smoking, alcohol and poor diet.
Life Education Wessex is making a real difference across Fareham and Hampshire by providing invaluable teaching on the risks of eating badly, smoking, alcohol and drugs, so children can make sensible choices in later life.
The experience for children is made as engaging and informative as possible. Lessons are conducted in a mobile classroom, free from interruptions and make use of a number of props and visual stimulants, it was clear that the children from Orchard Lea Primary School enjoyed the experience and took away important life lessons.
It is vital that children leave school as rounded individuals, capable of handling the many challenges that confront them in later life. I thank and commend Life Education Wessex for the work they do and urge more schools to sign-up.
Life Education Wessex is an independent charity that works in partnership with schools, parents and the wider community to help children make positive, informed choices about their health and risks of drug and alcohol misuse and peer pressure. The Charity facilitates in-depth discussion using age-specific programmes viewed on TV, with footage ranging from interactive quizzes to scenes of bullying behaviour. Over 52,000 children across the South have received life education courses from Life Education Wessex.