The range of varied activities provided for older people was showcased during a community event at a local care home when Lockswood Wellbeing Centre in Locks Heath opened its doors to the local community during a recent open day.
I was delighted to attend the event, and was shown around by staff, led by Centre Manager Mandy Rowlands, who works for Age Concern Hampshire. She talked to centre users, and joined in with many of the activities.
Support for older people in our community is extremely important, and it was great to see how many opportunities Lockswood offers for the over 50s. As well as providing specialist care for the most vulnerable, the range of other activities is impressive – from arts and crafts and gardening to hairdressing and IT tuition. It was a privilege to meet staff, service-users and volunteers, and to join in the fun. Too often, I think we have a view of old people’s services as being somewhat sedate – so it’s great to see that being challenged!
The centre is open five days a week, specialising in dementia care and care of socially isolated or physically frail older people. Other services are open to the over 50s in the community – beginners IT lessons, information and advice, hairdressing, footcare and supported showering.
Centre Manager Mandy Rowlands said:
‘Today has been our chance to showcase what we do and how we support and stimulate the older people of this area, helping them to remain in their own homes and independent, and offering respite to carers. Our visitors have joined in exercise sessions, reminiscence chats, badge-making and playing pool. As well as making a serious contribution to the wellbeing of older people – we have a lot of fun!”