I had the absolute pleasure of attending the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, and was accompanied by Rev Bruce Dean from St John’s Church.
The 2018 National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast took place in Westminster Hall in the Houses of Parliament and was chaired by the Rt Hon Ian Blackford MP. It was attended by over 140 MPs, including the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers, 25 Peers, Ambassadors and church leaders from across the UK.
The theme of this year's breakfast was 'What can Christianity offer our society in the 21st century?' and a keynote address on this topic was given by Revd Dr Timothy Keller, Founding Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York.
The prayer breakfast also included music from Irish singer-songwriters Keith & Kristyn Getty and their band, who led those present in singing 'Praise to the Lord the Almighty', 'In Christ Alone' and an unaccompanied version of Psalm 23.
The breakfast was also a good opportunity to discuss issues both domestic and abroad facing Christians.