Chief Planning Officer
Planning Team
Fareham Borough Council
Civic Offices
Civic Way
PO16 7AZ
22nd March 2016
To whom it may concern,
Re: Outline planning application at Newlands, South of Longfield Avenue, Fareham.
I am writing to formally submit my objection to the revised application from Hallam Land Management for outline planning permission at Newlands, South of Longfield Avenue, Fareham.
As Member of Parliament for Fareham, I fully understand the pressures on housing locally. I appreciate that the revised application reduces the number of proposed homes from 1550 to 1100 and includes provision for an 80 bed care home, health centre, primary school and retail units. The incorporation of green spaces, play areas and allotments too would make the development a self-sustaining community.
Constituents however have contacted me to voice concerns with regards to the development being built on a Greenfield site and the impact on local infrastructure.
The area is identified as a strategic countryside gap in the Council’s Local Plan and I am keen to ensure developments prevent urban sprawl- allowing local communities to retain the individual characteristics that make each so special. Green spaces are invaluable to our community and provide a sense of wellbeing to locals as well as providing diverse habitats to flora and fauna. I am keen to promote the use of development on brownfield sites wherever possible. Whilst the proposal includes provision for green spaces, development of a Greenfield site will clearly result in a net loss of open space.
The proposal includes a new road to link Gosport Road with Peak Lane, new road junctions onto Longfield Avenue and Peak Lane and pedestrian and cycle paths. Although better road connections with Gosport are always welcome, I feel that the increase in vehicle traffic from the development would be detrimental to overall congestion in the area. Access to the Gosport peninsular is already gridlocked during commuting hours and I believe this development could only make matters worse.
I am aware that flooding occurs on Longfield Avenue, with temporary flood signs displayed when necessary. As the site often has standing water, constituents are concerned that development would result in an increase in surface run-off. Although I appreciate the Council provide strict building regulations with mitigation measures such as the installation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), I feel that the flood risk compounds further my constituents’ objections.
It is for the reasons outlined above that I believe the strategic countryside gap should be upheld with regards to the Newlands’ outline planning application.
Thank you for taking my views into consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Suella Fernandes MP