I joined members of Fareham’s Parkinson’s UK branch for their monthly coffee morning and met with members of the local group, which provides support and information to members.
Parkinson’s UK main social event in Fareham takes place each month in the form of a coffee morning when people can chat to other members and make friends, meet members of the committee and local support workers. At the coffee morning, people can access relevant leaflets and other information from Parkinson’s UK, take part in raffles and choose something on the ‘bring and buy stall’.
The support that charities like Parkinson’s UK provides to local people is invaluable. Often people feel isolated when they first have to come to terms with the devastating news that they, or a loved one, has Parkinson’s. Meeting people in similar situations who can give advice and support makes all the difference.
The coffee mornings held by the Fareham branch are a great way of bringing people together to talk about their experience – or to just have a chat – in a friendly and open environment. I thank and commend Parkinson’s UK Fareham branch for the work they do in supporting local people and I would urge people with Parkinson’s to contact the group.
Coffee mornings are arranged for the first Monday of the month from 10am to midday, unless there is a bank holiday when it is the second Monday. The group meets at Crofton Community Centre, Stubbington Lane, Stubbington, Fareham PO14 2PP. For information on how to join the group or to attend a coffee morning, contact branch membership secretary Pauline Hollis on 02392 552970 or email [email protected] for details.