I’ve talked to many Fareham residents about Hampshire County Council’s proposals to close Henry Cort Community College.
If this goes ahead, the education of hundreds of our young people will be disrupted.
That’s why I’ve strongly objected to the proposals:
- On 5th February, I spoke in the House of Commons, asking the Secretary of State for Housing Communities & Local Government to urgently stop the proposals. Link to clip here.
- On 3rd February, I wrote to Hampshire County Council, formally responding to their consultation. In this letter (attached ), I objected to the proposals and stipulated that, should HCC ignore the community and close Henry Cort, the site should be repurposed as a SEND education provider.
- I’ve written to many local residents, encouraging them to have their say and take part in HCC’s consultation.
Please take part in the consultation - deadline is 14th February - to stop the closure of this valuable local secondary school.
Email: [email protected] or go to HCC website here for more details on the proposals and how to take part.