5.0 What About My Children’s Schooling?
On the 19th of March, Gavin Williamson, the Secretary of State for Education announced that from the end of Friday, the 20th schools will be closed, other than for:
- the most vulnerable children (those who have assigned social workers)
- children of key workers (including NHS staff, police and delivery drivers with more details to follow)
- children with particular health or learning needs (those with EHCPs)
Further measures include:
- schools being given provision to continue to offer meals to children who are eligible for free school meals.
- schools to be asked to remain open over the Easter holidays for those children identified above.
- cancellation of public exams this year
- cessation of Ofsted inspections and there will be no publication of performance tables.
- the Government working with exam boards, UCASA and Ofqual to make sure children are awarded qualifications.
Actions like these are unprecedented and complex further details will be provided as soon as they are announced but the press release from the Secretary of State can be read here .